Test Facility Information
Parabilis operates a test facility in Lakeside, CA which is currently permitted for testing rocket engines at thrust levels up to 70,000 lbf. The Test Facility currently has redundant generators, a self-contained water supply with a storage capacity of 10,000 gallons, general storage / assembly facilities, a test control center, and multiple test pads. Parabilis is currently operating a single axis 5,000 lbf class vertical thrust stand, a mobile test stand for cryogenic bipropellant thruster testing, and a 250 lbf class horizontal test stand. The facility has two on-site oxidizer storage sheds, a toxic gas monitoring system, and storage/handling equipment for multiple propellant combinations. Learn more about the featured traits below that make our facility unique.
Propulsion Test Stands
- Originally designed and used for MON-3/Paraffin hybrid motor.
- Built on top of original 250,000 lbf Thrust Abutment previously used for 70,000 lbf hot fires.
- Includes MON decontamination system and plume vapor capture system.
- Highly flexible National Instruments (NI) data acquisition system.
- Easily adaptable to multiple programs and propellants.
- Thrust Capacity: 5000 lbf
- Originally designed and used for a double cryogenic LOX/LCH4 RCS Thruster.
- Designed to isolate test article from propellant tanks, feed plumbing, and data acquisition systems.
- Counter-flow heat exchanger used to condense gaseous methane.
- Separate and isolated oxidizer & fuel vent systems.
- Highly flexible National Instruments (NI) data acquisition system.
- Over 100+ successful tests.
- Thrust Capacity: 1000 lbf
- Originally designed and used for a Nitrous/HTPB Hybrid motor.
- Designed for vacuum testing with 3/4" aluminum plating.
- On-board temperature control for propellant system.
- Coriolis flow meter integrated with highly flexible National Instruments (NI) data acquisition system.
- Over 900 seconds of hot fire testing.
- Thrust Capacity: 250 lbf

- Nitrous Oxide, N2O
- Liquid and Gaseous Oxygen, O2
- High Test Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2
- Nitrogen Tetroxide, N2O4
- Mixed Oxide of Nitrogen, MON
- Hydroxyl-Terminated PolyButadiene, HTPB
- Liquid & Gaseous Methane, CH4
- Propane, C3H8
- Poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA
- Paraffin Wax
- Nylon
- Polydicyclopentadiene, pDCPD
- Ethanol
- Ethane
Additional Information:
- On-site storage and monitoring of hazardous propellants.
- Potential to add additional fuels and oxidizers.
- Close working relationship with Fire & Safety Authorities.

Data Acquisition Systems
Parabilis has two High Speed Data Acquisition and Control Systems. Key features and abilities at the site include:
- Remote command room with integrated site video.
- Two cDAQ Chassis with multiple slots.
- Multiple NI Modules: 9205, 9213, 9474, 9425, 9237
- Spark igniter and feedback system.
- Adaptable local network and hardwired control.
- Remotely controlled USB FLIR Thermal Infrared Camera.
- Dedicated micro-controller for fast response requirements.
- Additional cDAQ controllers and expansion chassis available as needed.
- Multiple Visible and IR camera imaging of test operations.
Location & Resources
The test facility is conveniently located just 30 minutes from the San Diego Airport.
- Fully-gated test pad with 24/7 monitoring.
- Built into boxed canyon, enclosed on 3 sides.
- Favorable southern California climate for test activities.
- Nearby access to heavy equipment, materials, stores, etc.