DoD Awards Parabilis Additional Phase to Develop High-Performance Propulsion System

Parabilis Space Technologies, Inc. of San Marcos, CA announced today that it has been selected by the Department of Defense to continue development of a high-performance, standardized, stand-alone, off-the-shelf, modular propulsion system utilizing “green” propellants which will provide higher performance, lower cost, and far lower lead times than traditional customized hydrazine systems.

This propulsion module will be designed and qualified as a complete “bolt-on”, one-connector propulsion system solution to reduce the risk and development costs inherent to intrinsically integrating propulsion into a spacecraft bus. The module can be refueled if required by customer conops.

Said Dr. Shannon Eilers, Principal Engineer at Parabilis and Principal Investigator for this program: “Availability of a complete qualified propulsion module with standardized interfaces will enable maneuverability for a wide range of missions at the lowest possible additional technical and schedule risk.”

CEO Dave Streich stated: “On-orbit refueling has the potential to extend mission life and provide longer-term support to LEO, GEO and Cislunar defense operations, and commercial on-orbit servicing and manufacturing programs.”

In this phase of the program, Parabilis will advance the design of a module that meets DoD requirements for a broad spectrum of missions and will perform testing of hardware for the critical attitude control system. Subsequent phases will include producing a full prototype propulsion module, performing hot fire testing, demonstrating spacecraft bus interface compatibility, and qualifying a propulsion module for flight.

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