Parabilis Receives NASA Award to Further Develop Lunar Transfer Stage

Parabilis Space Technologies, Inc. of San Marcos, CA announced today that it received an award from NASA to perform the next phase of development for its Hybrid Orbital Transfer Stage (HOTS), a propulsion stage using green propellants that is capable of injecting small payloads into lunar and cislunar orbits.
The next phase will include an updated full-scale “flight-like” prototype and multiple hot fire test/design iteration cycles. The Parabilis transfer stage will be economical, non-toxic, non-cryogenic, restartable, and compatible with multiple ‘venture-class’ launch vehicles.

Dave Streich, CEO for Parabilis, stated: “Government agencies and commercial companies want to explore the lunar environment using small, inexpensive spacecraft. The Parabilis HOTS stage will enable NASA and the private sector to perform missions of interest to examine the lunar south pole, low lunar and frozen lunar orbits, and cislunar space including Earth-Moon LaGrange points and lunar Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits.”

According to Chris Grainger, Vice President of Engineering: “Parabilis will leverage previous work in which smooth catalytic ignition, stable combustion, and good combustion efficiency were demonstrated using 90% hydrogen peroxide and PMMA as propellants. In this phase we will further reduce technical risk by increasing burn times and maturing the hybrid motor design, positioning Parabilis to build and flight-qualify a full stage.”

Parabilis develops affordable propulsion and satellite systems for government and commercial customers and is an acknowledged world leader in safe, green, economical hybrid propulsion. Current programs include a propulsion system for a commercial space refueling demonstration, and a rapid propellant loading system for Air Force Research Labs (AFRL). Parabilis is located in San Marcos, CA.

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